WIN A BOOK: Powerful Places Guidebooks by Elyn Aviva and Gary White
Sun, November 14, 2010

Everyone loves to WIN, and wants to bring the WINNER'S smile to your face. From November 11-21, 2010, we'll be GIVING AWAY one of our author's books each day. All you have to do to win is sign up to receive the FREE newsletter, 'like' us on facebook, or become a new twitter follower, and you're automatically in the random drawing.

Contest Update: WE HAVE A WINNER!!! Congratulations to LINDA ROLBY for winning yesterday's FREE BOOK  - RIDING THE HULAHULA TO THE ARCTIC OCEAN by Don Mankin and Shannon Stowell.


WIN TODAY'S FEATURED BOOK: Powerful Places Guidebooks by Elyn Aviva and Gary White


Do you have the nagging suspicion that there’s more to some places than meets the eye? Do you feel like you are “skimming” the surface when you travel? “Powerful Places Guidebooks” will show you how to experience places, not just visit them.

Popular “” contributor Elyn Aviva and her husband, Gary White, write this innovative guidebook series. They provide what you need to change tourism into transformation.

Take Powerful Places in Brittany for example. Most guidebooks list the alignments at Carnac as a must-see—but only Powerful Places in Brittany recommends visiting the unfenced alignments at nearby Kerzerho to experience the shifting shadows and energies at different times of day. The section on the magical Forest of Brocéliande includes the back-story of Merlin and Arthur, as well as the quest for the Grail. Ste-Anne d’Auray, the most popular pilgrimage site in Brittany, is always mentioned in guidebooks—but Powerful Places in Brittany describes how this ancient site, sacred to the mother goddess Dana/Anna, morphed into a Christian venue honoring Anne, the mother of the Virgin Mary.

Powerful Places on the Caminos de Santiago, in Scotland, in Catalonia, and in Brittany are currently available*; Powerful Places in Ireland will be coming out in early 2011. Each guidebook includes detailed descriptions of powerful places, how to get there, and what to do when you arrive. Numerous maps, graphics, and photos bring the locations to life. Informative sidebars provide additional insight into these “power points” on our planet.



Elyn Aviva is a writer, fiber artist, and transformational traveler. Currently living in Girona (Catalonia), Spain, she is fascinated by pilgrimage and sacred sites. To learn more about Elyn or her publications, go to


*The winner can select which guidebook to receive.


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