Disclosure Policy
We take the relationship that we have built with our readers seriously, and any travel articles, vacation advice, product reviews or travel articles you read on YourLifeisaTrip.com will be honest and based on the opinions of our contributors. Our reputation depends on it.
Travel is our passion and our profession. We and some of our contributors write, speak, photograph and consult for a variety of travel related businesses and publications for a living. This site, however, is a personal platform where we can share our expertise, opinions, vacation and life experiences, advice and recommendations we think will help readers to travel better, smarter and more often.
Sometimes articles on the site result from press trips, sponsored or partially sponsored trips. However, you can be assured that our commitment is to journalistic integrity and to writing the truth of experiences.
Regardless of the manner in which a trip or product is acquired, we are committed to telling it like it is, giving you the pros and cons.
You can always reach us or any of the contributors via the “contact us" page for comments or questions.
YourLifeIsATrip.com may receive remuneration from advertisements displayed on the site; all adverts are placed on the site though advertising agencies and companies like Google Ads and other affiliate programs.